REVIEW: Nexcare Acne Cover

4:08:00 AM

Do you like popping your acne especially whiteheads? How tempting is to pop it? Do you know the side effect of it? I can say big NO for popping! It causes acne marks and it can't be faded easily. Then I want to present the best way to get rid of whiteheads, Nexcare Acne Cover.

Btw, I don't mean to promote or advertise it. All of my reviews including this review are based of my experience, I'm just happy about this product because it works like wonder!

Nexcare Acne Cover comes into 4 variants: Ladies, fun pack, combination and big dots. I bought ladies first and after it had run out, I bought fun pack version. 

Product Description:
  1. Water-based acne patch that is used to absorb pus and oil inside acne in 8 hours.
  2. Covers acne and reduces risk of infection caused by contamination of air or finger touching.
  3. Waterproof and it has air circulation to help quick recovery.
  4. The acne patch contains only hydrocolloid dressing, no chemical drugs added.
How to use:
  1. Cleanse your face.
  2. Press acne patch with your clean hands to affected area.
  3. Wait until 8 hours and you can replace it. The acne patch will turn white.
  1. Don't use Nexcare Acne Cover altogether with other acne cure.
  2. If your acne becomes worse, consult a doctor.
It's sterile :)

There it is. Contains star and heart shaped acne patch.

Usage and results:

Before usage, there is whitehead on my face.

On process....

After usage, whitehead has gone! But it leaves acne mark

The acne patch turns white as it's claimed :D
(sorry for bad quality pics)

It works perfectly at absorbing whiteheads! But sadly it leaves acne mark so I have to get rid of it by other treatment.

  1. Affordable (IDR 28.000,-)
  2. Sterile patch.
  3. Hydrocolloid dressing only in the ingredients, no chemical drugs added.
  4. Stick strong enough on my skin.
  5. Waterproof, so I can take a bath without worry lol.
  6. Works perfectly!
  1. Leaves acne marks and it can't be faded by this product.
  2. Only works for whiteheads.
I will repurchasing it if it runs out ;)
I recommend it a lot if you have whiteheads around your face. If you have much, I suggest you to use combination version :)

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